In January 4th my father passed away after living an amazing life. His cancer was a tiny part of his life. It was something that only made him a stronger and better person. In Dec '07 my fathers cancer in his lung began to worsen. Shortening his oxygen count in his blood. He was eventually admitted in INOVA Hospital, FairFax, Virginia. He was there for about 8 days. They released him to go home and be under hospice care. 2 days later he returned to the hospital with a tube in his lung to help him with a lung that had collapsed. Is breathing worsened. With drugs to calm his breathing and anxiety he passed away on Friday January 4th at 9:40 am with me and my mother at his side. We had just arrived 40 minutes earlier, it was like he was waiting for us to pass.
His passing brought off much inspiration. For his service i created a collage (4 x 3) our of tissue paper and glue which we hung up in the reception area of the church. I also painted a canvas to give all friends and family their own opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings for my father. Lastly I wrote him a poem which I read aloud to the friends and family attending the service.
I want you to all feel the inspiration which he has given me and enjoy the creations which I made with the love for my father, Austin Pendelton Frum.
"A Little Something about my Pop"
Jogging down Nash with Carlos
smiles on them both
no clouds above shoulders
African sun touched his shoulders
Ille et Vilaine et La Rance
French canals crossed
not just the Seine
a calm man
he was his own boss
never paused for a second
this lawyer knew his textbook
could ask him any question
and taught many lessons
“Federico , never call somebody names,
but instead tell them how you feel”
and on my two wheel bike
he taught me how to ride
over life’s obstacles
from within
his memory will forever reside
- much love to all my friends and family that were there and are still there will all thier love and support...muchisimas gracias!